Monday, June 11, 2012

seeds and sunflowers

i'm vegetarian.

i've been asked why. 

humans aren't supposed to kill for food.

but plants are living things too, right? when you eat a plant, then you kill it too, right? right?


the difference is that, when you take an animal -say a chicken- for food, you end its life and take away all possibility of it reproducing ever again. okay so this arguable. you take away all possibility of it reproducing naturally ever again.

but when you take a plant for food, what usually happens is you leave out the reproductive parts allowing the plant to live on and die its natural death. like in an avocado. you take a fruit from the tree, the tree lives on to produce more fruit, you eat the flesh of the fruit, and plant the seed, thus making way for another avocado tree just like it.

see the difference?

great! because that really wasn't what i was planning to share. haha

what i did want to share are photos of the sunflower seeds the inmates at jail gave me. i put them in a little seed bed and just two day later, they've sprouted!

a fresh batch of seeds 

i can't wait till they're full-grown sunflowers with bright yellow heads that follow the sun!

did you know? after a sunflower blossom withers  and dies, that's the time you get to "harvest" the seeds from the blossom head and plant them to get a whole bunch of new sunflowers. 

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