Tuesday, June 28, 2011

juice diet experience (day 1)

as previously posted, my mother and i are on a juice diet for four days, then a soft transition diet on the fifth day. this is a cleansing diet for the gall bladder, the digestive tract, and the rest of the body in general.

to chronicle and share our experience, i will be posting updates everyday for the next four days. who knows, you might decide to go on a cleanse yourself. the posts in this series will be updated several times during the day, so do come back and check on me (and my mother) every now and then.

Day One

i woke up late. plus, our juicer refused to work so we had to borrow one from a friend. in short, we started late.

as an experiment, i decided to measure my waistline before drinking any of the juices. the narrowest part of my abdomen measured 71 centimeters. the part that crosses my belly button measured 75 centimeters. i also wanted a weigh in, but our scale turned out to be broken. anyway, i'm between 41 and 43 kilograms. i'll remember to get weighed in within the day.

9:00 am   - i've been going to the toilet at least once for every glass of fluids that i drink. my pee now runs very very clear.

10:30 am - mama and i are beginning to feel slight pangs of hunger.

11:00 am  - my father brought home freshly-picked mushrooms (for supper). that's not juice-diet-related. but this is: mama and i won't be eating them mushrooms because they're solid food and we're on a juice diet. :(
lucky for me, i can stay away from the kitchen. mama isn't so fortunate; she cooks for the rest of the family. she also made a most delish dish for their breakfast this morning. hello, pure carrot juice!

note: i really think that this entire thing is a lot more pleasant when done with a partner or with a group. you get to laugh at/with each other with every glass you have to down, and you're not the only one to sit out at family meals.


12:30 pm  - the juices have finally reached the end of my digestive tract. how i knew? well, nature called. the waste materials from earlier this morning were close to normal because of the solids that i took in the previous days. but i think that from now on, things are gonna change. and what i'm really thankful for is that we have more than one toilet in the house.

1:29 pm   - the cucumber juice was green. like an algae-filled pond minus the koi and pretty water lilies. i'm beginning to feel a little dizzy. i'm not sure if it's because i'm getting hungry (i've never been dizzy of hunger) or from working at this computer the entire morning (blogging, research, downloading resources that i'll share later, catching up on backlogs, reading, etc). i think i'll rest until the next juice, which will be grape.

the afternoon line-up i can look forward to: pineapple, apple, grape, kalamansi. and right, there's tea before all that.

1:50 pm  - my tummy si rrrrrumbling.

2:48 pm   - after tea,
                   Mama: waaaaaah! gutoooooom!
                   gladys: double the amount of juice
                   Mama: gutom lang gihapon (she LOVES rice, claimed she can't live without it)
                   gladys: sayang atong gastos for this kung mangaon ta.
                   Mama: dili man ko mokaon.... Lami akong lutoon para sud-an nila unya (the mushrooms). :(

5:30 pm   - i've had pineapple and grape. burrrrp.

almost done for the day. i intend to sleep early tonight. or else i'll wake up hungry.


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