Thursday, June 02, 2011

rain makes things grow

as i am writing this entry, i am enveloped in the sound of heavy rain pitter-pattering on the roof and splashing from the gutter.

earlier, this same rain stirred up a tiny war between two girls - one bigger than the other, both inside of me. the bigger girl thought, "rain. wonderful time to work on my layouts and catch up on my reading." but the little girl had other plans: "weeeh, rain! let's go out and play!" :D

for a while there, the little girl seemed to have won. in fact, she had gone out and gotten a little wet, but then the rain slowed down a bit. being outside became no fun at all. so she came back inside and went straight for the bathroom.

in there, the war waged full. outside, the rain beat down on the roof once more. tempted, the little girl went out of the bathroom twice to reconsider playing in the rain. but the bigger girl pushed her back in each time.  in the end, the big girl won.

so now, i am bathed and shampooed, dressed warmly and writing this blog entry - while still enveloped in the sound of pitter-pattering rain and thoughts of flowers and little girls growing.

as a matter of fact, rain makes little boys grow up too. case in point: a rain-soaked brian scrubbing the floor all around the house. :D

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