Sunday, June 19, 2011

the hours

my latest motivator is a four-word sentence that i have promoted to my desktop wallpaper.

this is inspired by an article* i read on how to be creative. the article mentions 40 guidelines and number three is Put the Hours In. if anyone would like to succeed in anything he/she does, that person has got to set aside time to actually do it. makes sense, doesn't it?

"Doing anything worthwhile takes forever. 90% of what separates successful people and failed people is time, effort, and stamina."

most of the time, it's easy to just procrastinate or delay the job that you'll have to do anyway. we think, "i intend to do it," but the intention doesn't get any part of the job done. to get anything done, you've got to do it. and to do it, you've got to spend time actually doing it.

people tend to look at the finished product and overlook the process carried to out to finish the product. like when we listen to a beautiful song a friend made and think "i want to make something like that" but refuse to spend time figuring out the right words and making the right music and then complain "why can't i make something like that?". well, go figure.

putting the hours in means actually working. it also means that you'll have to make that difficult choice between working and facebook, TV, texting, malling, or pretty much anything else.

"I would find that extra hour or two in the day that belongs to nobody else but me, and I would make it productive. Put the hours in, do it for long enough and magical, life-transforming things happen eventually. Sure, that means less time watching TV, internet surfing, going out or whatever.But who cares?"

the Bible says, "he that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread." 

focus, keep working, then you'll reap the rewards of your labors.

that said, i gotta go put the hours back into the work that i hope to get printed tomorrow.  :)

happy working!

*you'll find the article here. just scroll down and keep scrolling down, too. apparently, to get the full version you'll have to buy the book.

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