
Monday, July 16, 2012


How can you seek mercy from One who is above you if you can't show mercy to one who is below you?

The story of the unforgiving servant comes to mind. Perhaps someone has owed us that way - hurt us, used us, treated us wrong, lied to us, betrayed us, cheated us out of something. Perhaps it's the boyfriend who had another girl, or the father who abandoned you, or the jeep driver who insisted on one more passenger, or the teacher who hated your guts, or the stranger who carelessly stepped on your toe. Have you forgiven him?

If not, then how can you ask God to forgive you in the name of Jesus Christ who died for your sins? When you really think about it, Jesus didn't really have to die for you and me. They could have gone on and created another pair of humans.

But He did die a humiliating death for us. He walked the earth, taught us to make the most of this life, and gave us the way to the better life. Jesus loves us. He loves me, He loves you, and He loves the "moron" who stepped on your toe.

So now you think how you've failed Jesus time and again, and how each time,  He opens His arms to you. Think of all the wrong you've done in your life and multiply that by the number of people on this earth. His love covered all of those. How much has your love covered so far?

Maybe you've forgiven but haven't really forgotten, all the while not knowing that forgiving IS forgetting.

So free up some space on your memory, and make room for more of Jesus in your heart.


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