
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Adventist Youth Program Ideas

Idea # 3

Music is a huge part of any worship service. It is a gift that God wants us to use and enjoy to His glory. These days, the gray area between good church music and otherwise has widened along with the musical generation gap. It probably also happens in your church: the older members complaining that church music now just isn't as good as in the old days. But God has bestowed musical talents just as wisely on this generation as in previous ones. So this is what today's AY program idea is about: bridging the musical generation gap.


Materials: writing board and chalk or papers and pens (for copying song lyrics)

Mechanics: Group the congregation into two or more (depending on the size of the congregation). Make sure that each group has enough young members as well as older ones. Instruct the older members of the group to teach their younger members a song from the old days - one that the youth are not familiar with. Also, ask the youth to teach their older members a song that is from their generation. Allow practice time. Now, each group will be given time to perform both songs - the older ones singing the new song, and the younger ones singing the old song.

Now you have young people learning and singing old songs and older people learning and actually singing new songs! This may just start everyone on a road to appreciating music from different generations. Plus, you   just gave them an avenue to interact and work with each other toward a common goal.

At my church, everyone enjoyed the activity, especially the older ones as they sang their newly-learned song while their young teachers looked proudly on.

The important thing to emphasize here is that the sacredness of the musical gift cuts across generations. God designed for music to be as much a part of worship as is prayer. In the words of the Apostle Paul:

I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also. 1 Corinthians 14:15

What do you do to bring out the good music at your church?

Check out other AY Program Ideas in this blog by clicking here.


  1. Thank you!
    I have read this post last year, and try to apply it during our AY program.
    Positive are the responses, and this is really a great help in achieving our goal for the month, which is to unite the young and old ones.
    Godbless you and the AY of your church!

    -Clendelyn, Iligan City Central Church

  2. hello clendelyn. thank you so much for visiting, and i'm so glad to be of help. i hope to post more of the program ideas we come up at our church. i also hope to hear of your program ideas. maybe you could share them with me and i'll post them on this blog. :D

    email me:

    yours in Christ.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this idea. We will try this as an AY program, and post the results...

  4. hi carolyn. i'm glad you find the idea useful. and i would really love to hear how it goes in your church. blessings! :)

  5. I'm coming from Casalita SDA in Garland Texas, I did the music program at our church for AY and our small group did enjoy it.......Andrea

  6. praise the Lord, Andrea! more power to your church. :)

  7. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Thank you for this i really need help with ideas as i am one of the new ay directors of my church

  8. Praise The Lord!!! I tried this idea at church yesterday and it was well received. Both the young and the old enjoyed it! I learnt some pretty old songs that I have never heard before. It was just an wonderful evening! Thanks very much for sharing!!
