
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

juice diet experience (day 2)

yey! i made it to the second day without being too hungry. :D

i've been posting about getting a natural cleanse here and here.

i woke up this morning wondering why i wasn't hungry. my last juice was 8:30 last night and it was kalamansi (Philippine lemon).

6:00 am  - i was trying to finish my epsom salt solution. so far, it's the most difficult to take in. epsom salt isn't salty, but bitter. not really very bitter, which is why i find myself surprised that it's difficult for me to finish even a glass of the solution. and i have to drink four glasses each morning. 

7:19 am  - the fluids i've been drinking are doing their thing in my tummy. i can feel it. ;-)

9:51 am   - kind of hungry.

meanwhile, what results am i actually expecting? well, there's weight loss, pimples (toxins being eliminated through the skin), green pebble-like stuff in my stool.

10:57 am  - finished my carrot juice in two gulps. i can smell freshly-made bread. binangkal, dough rolled in sesame seeds, then deep-fried instead of baked. smells good. grrrr.

(this Davao flood is bothering me :(  floods this huge in Davao are few and faaaar in between.)

12:57 pm  - just had cucumber juice. trips to the toilet are now much more frequent. what comes out is basically just dark brown liquid. well, what can we expect. mama and i are both hungry; my sister's been teasing. but we just try to laugh it off. i promised myself some mangoes when this is all over. something to look forward to. 

in other news, i'm thinking now of the displaced families in davao. the properties and even lives lost, the missing people. the lines of the song come to mind, "oh we fast but we know we can eat the next day." i'm thankful for the blessing of being able to do this juice diet, and still thinking of ways to extend help to fellow Dabawenyos.

around 5:00 pm - mama and i have decided to change a couple of things about this diet we're in. three things, actually. one, we're drinking olive both tonight and tomorrow night. two, we're reducing the number of days to four instead of five. we realized that our friends who've done a cleanse did theirs for only four days and we don't remember why we decided for five. :D and three, we're no longer limited to one glass of whatever fruit/vegetable juice is scheduled. that third one's mandatory... according to my grrrowling tummy. ;D

9:00 pm  - olive oil time. based on friends' experiences, it's the worst part of this diet. you have to drink half a glass to 3/4 of a glass of olive oil. as a consolation, you can opt to mix in 1/4 glass pure lemon juice. my friend (who did a cleanse last week) said the lemon doesn't help much because the oil only floats above it. he advised to have a sliced lemon ready to wash away the taste. but mama and i discovered a better strategy. prepare the lemon juice but don't mix it in just yet. measure out your half glass of oil. just as you're about to drink it, pour in the lemon juice as quickly as possible and drink the mixture immediately. don't put your glass down until you've swallowed the entire mixture. this way, you're not giving the oil enough time to separate from the lemon. no sweat. :)

quick bit of health info: extra virgin (or cold-pressed) olive oil is one of the healthiest oils if used in salads but should never be used for cooking.

it's good night for now. see you tomorrow. :)


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

juice diet experience (day 1)

as previously posted, my mother and i are on a juice diet for four days, then a soft transition diet on the fifth day. this is a cleansing diet for the gall bladder, the digestive tract, and the rest of the body in general.

to chronicle and share our experience, i will be posting updates everyday for the next four days. who knows, you might decide to go on a cleanse yourself. the posts in this series will be updated several times during the day, so do come back and check on me (and my mother) every now and then.

Day One

i woke up late. plus, our juicer refused to work so we had to borrow one from a friend. in short, we started late.

as an experiment, i decided to measure my waistline before drinking any of the juices. the narrowest part of my abdomen measured 71 centimeters. the part that crosses my belly button measured 75 centimeters. i also wanted a weigh in, but our scale turned out to be broken. anyway, i'm between 41 and 43 kilograms. i'll remember to get weighed in within the day.

9:00 am   - i've been going to the toilet at least once for every glass of fluids that i drink. my pee now runs very very clear.

10:30 am - mama and i are beginning to feel slight pangs of hunger.

11:00 am  - my father brought home freshly-picked mushrooms (for supper). that's not juice-diet-related. but this is: mama and i won't be eating them mushrooms because they're solid food and we're on a juice diet. :(
lucky for me, i can stay away from the kitchen. mama isn't so fortunate; she cooks for the rest of the family. she also made a most delish dish for their breakfast this morning. hello, pure carrot juice!

note: i really think that this entire thing is a lot more pleasant when done with a partner or with a group. you get to laugh at/with each other with every glass you have to down, and you're not the only one to sit out at family meals.


12:30 pm  - the juices have finally reached the end of my digestive tract. how i knew? well, nature called. the waste materials from earlier this morning were close to normal because of the solids that i took in the previous days. but i think that from now on, things are gonna change. and what i'm really thankful for is that we have more than one toilet in the house.

1:29 pm   - the cucumber juice was green. like an algae-filled pond minus the koi and pretty water lilies. i'm beginning to feel a little dizzy. i'm not sure if it's because i'm getting hungry (i've never been dizzy of hunger) or from working at this computer the entire morning (blogging, research, downloading resources that i'll share later, catching up on backlogs, reading, etc). i think i'll rest until the next juice, which will be grape.

the afternoon line-up i can look forward to: pineapple, apple, grape, kalamansi. and right, there's tea before all that.

1:50 pm  - my tummy si rrrrrumbling.

2:48 pm   - after tea,
                   Mama: waaaaaah! gutoooooom!
                   gladys: double the amount of juice
                   Mama: gutom lang gihapon (she LOVES rice, claimed she can't live without it)
                   gladys: sayang atong gastos for this kung mangaon ta.
                   Mama: dili man ko mokaon.... Lami akong lutoon para sud-an nila unya (the mushrooms). :(

5:30 pm   - i've had pineapple and grape. burrrrp.

almost done for the day. i intend to sleep early tonight. or else i'll wake up hungry.


no solid food for four days... starting now

okay, so i'm up for a challenge:. a five-day cleansing diet my mother and i decided to take up to wash away toxins from our digestive tracts and gall bladders. here's how it works.

First Three Days:

5:00 am  -  four glasses (four glasses!) of saline solution using epsom salt
6:30 am  - one glass of pure apple juice
8:00 am  - one glass of pure grape juice
9:30 am  - tea
11:00 am - one glass of pure carrot juice (i've never had PURE carrot juice before)
12:30 am - one glass of pure cucumber juice (this is something entirely new for my digestive tract)
2:00 pm   - tea
3:30 pm   - one glass of pure pineapple juice
5:00 pm   - one glass of pure grape juice
6:30 pm   - one glass of pure apple juice
8:00 pm   - half a glass of pure kalamansi juice

this routine will be repeated for three days. on the third night will come the most dreaded part: 3/4 glass OLIVE oil mixed with 1/4 glass kalamansi juice. if you've never had olive oil before, it is -well- oil. besides the wonderful task of having to down that, it will produce an even more wonderful effect of churning and turning in your stomach and eventually in bowel movement.

the next day, we go back to the tea and juice diet.

have i mentioned? we're not supposed to eat any solid food - no fruit, vegetable, rice, bread, oatmeal, etc - for the whole four days. the idea is for all of these fluids to soften up the rotten and rotting food particles that accumulate in our digestive tract lining over time, and then eliminate them.

then on the fifth day, solid food can be gradually re-introduced into the body: watermelons, mangoes, oatmeal, flaxseed, vegetable soup.

and then we'll get to see the changes (if any). so join me as i down each challenging glassful and try not to throw up anything. cheers!

more important than a gall bladder cleanse is a spiritual cleansing. the Lord promises us:

And I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross,
 and take away all thy tin. Isaiah 1:25

and we are also told how:

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost. Titus 3:5

plus this:
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?
 by taking heed thereto according to thy word. Psalm 119:9


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

the sin of the age

"Gluttony and intemperance lie at the foundation of the great moral depravity in our world." EGW

the bigger kids

a few sundays ago, we took the church's littlest kids and their mums and dads to the crocodile park (which had lots of other animals in it) to see God's wonderful creations. they had so much fun looking at all the animals and then spent a whole lot of energy at the playground. but little kids weren't the only ones who were allowed some fun.

of course i get a go, too!

Lord, make us like children again. Help us to know the simple joys within our reach, and help us to lean on You in child-like faith. Amen.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

the hours

my latest motivator is a four-word sentence that i have promoted to my desktop wallpaper.

this is inspired by an article* i read on how to be creative. the article mentions 40 guidelines and number three is Put the Hours In. if anyone would like to succeed in anything he/she does, that person has got to set aside time to actually do it. makes sense, doesn't it?

"Doing anything worthwhile takes forever. 90% of what separates successful people and failed people is time, effort, and stamina."

most of the time, it's easy to just procrastinate or delay the job that you'll have to do anyway. we think, "i intend to do it," but the intention doesn't get any part of the job done. to get anything done, you've got to do it. and to do it, you've got to spend time actually doing it.

people tend to look at the finished product and overlook the process carried to out to finish the product. like when we listen to a beautiful song a friend made and think "i want to make something like that" but refuse to spend time figuring out the right words and making the right music and then complain "why can't i make something like that?". well, go figure.

putting the hours in means actually working. it also means that you'll have to make that difficult choice between working and facebook, TV, texting, malling, or pretty much anything else.

"I would find that extra hour or two in the day that belongs to nobody else but me, and I would make it productive. Put the hours in, do it for long enough and magical, life-transforming things happen eventually. Sure, that means less time watching TV, internet surfing, going out or whatever.But who cares?"

the Bible says, "he that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread." 

focus, keep working, then you'll reap the rewards of your labors.

that said, i gotta go put the hours back into the work that i hope to get printed tomorrow.  :)

happy working!

*you'll find the article here. just scroll down and keep scrolling down, too. apparently, to get the full version you'll have to buy the book.

my first paper craft fail

in a previous post, i talked about being very interested in paper crafting and wanting to make one of those pop-up cards as my first project. well, i tried... and failed.

here's how my card looked like:

this was supposed to look something like this. see the difference? i had to make a lot of cuts on the base because the card won't open properly.

i didn't have the heart to finish this project. i just told myself that maybe i needed to start somewhere more basic; learn cutting, folding, measuring and gluing techniques as i go along and become more knowledgeable in making more complex  projects. so pop ups would have to wait a while though i have a new (and special) popup project in mind. (sneak peek: it's going to have a plane in it.)

meanwhile, i bought a bunch of materials to start practicing with. i didn't have the money for card stock or vellum yet. so i just bought construction paper (for solid colors) and wrapping paper (for prints. my, i love the prints i bought). then i got myself some basic tools: scissors, hobby knife and cutting mat, and white glue.

i am especially fond of the knife and mat. boy, do they make measuring and cutting a lot easier. though i have to admit that i don't know what the many different blades are for. :)

and i also made a little card, a much simpler one, using the materials i bought. here it is:

my ultimate dream with this craft is to learn techniques and projects to use for bringing color and personal touch to my ministry. i pray that God sees it that way too and that He'll prosper this undertaking. 

so while i fail at a few projects, i promise to rise again each time and try harder next time. so do  come back and check on my progress. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Revelations of Bible Prophecy Seminar

Amazing Facts is in Davao! A friend and I went out to attend last night, and it was wonderful. Last night was actually the ninth in the prophecy seminar series, but we weren't able to attend the earlier meetings due to schedule conflicts.

It's nice how the seminar makes the prophecies of Revelation simple and easy to grasp, especially for those who are hearing the prophecies for the first time. These prophecies are the warnings everyone needs to hear these last days.

They lend you a Bible for the night, but if you keep coming, you get to make that Bible all yours! Plus a free DVD that includes so many wonderful freebies. How wonderful is that. :)

If you're not able to come to the meetings, you can watch the live streaming, which is what I intend to do for the nights I can't attend. There's a meeting every night except on Mondays and Thursdays, starting with a health lecture at 6:00, followed by the prophecy seminar at 6:30 until 8:00.

More than anything, what really inspired me about the seminar was the number of volunteers working in the seminar team and the effort they put into putting the series together. It reminds me of the story of Elijah and God's assurance that amidst the apostasy of his day, there were still soooo many who have remained loyal to God.

We may sometimes feel alone in our day-to-day struggles, like no one else is going through the experience. But allow God to open your eyes and you will see the many people who, like you, are receiving His graces daily and working with Him to accomplish His will.

With this brand new inspiration, let us continue shining as the lights God wants us to be... you in your small corner and I in mine. :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I Love You

I love you
I have called you by your name
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow
My steadfast love is the same
I love you, I love you
With a love that will not end

Even the hairs of your head have been numbered
So there's no need to be afraid
The mountains will depart and the hills will be shaken
But my steadfast love will never end

Before you were born I have loved you
I have graven you in the palm of my hand
Fear not for I have redeemed you
I am with you to love you with a love that will not end

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


A story is told of a boy long ago
No silver, no gold, only faith in the Lord
He gave His all, though only fish and bread
Blessed by Jesus' hand, five thousand men were fed

A story is told of a woman so blest
In the time of drought a prophet was her guest
What little she had she shared without doubt
Because she had faith, the little never ran out

Because the Lord magnified
When by faith He was glorified
And the small became grand
When placed in His hand
So let us give what little we have
To be magnified by His great love

The Lord is asking, "What is in your hand?"
It need not be gold nor silver nor lands
Give up your all; it need not be great
Then be amazed at the things accomplished by faith

Because the Lord magnifies
When by faith He is glorified
And the small becomes grand
When placed in His hand
So let us give what little we have
To be magnified by His great love

Saturday, June 04, 2011

The Song Angels Cannot Sing

I know a song that will silence even angels' singing
I know a tune sweeter than the birds' song at each morning
I know the words that escape the wind's most gentle blowing
I know the song even angels cannot sing

It's the song of redemption
The song that my heart sings
It is praise for the Lamb
who took away my sins
All creation marvels at the song
Even angels cannot sing
It's the song of redemption
The song of the redeemed

Thursday, June 02, 2011

rain makes things grow

as i am writing this entry, i am enveloped in the sound of heavy rain pitter-pattering on the roof and splashing from the gutter.

earlier, this same rain stirred up a tiny war between two girls - one bigger than the other, both inside of me. the bigger girl thought, "rain. wonderful time to work on my layouts and catch up on my reading." but the little girl had other plans: "weeeh, rain! let's go out and play!" :D

for a while there, the little girl seemed to have won. in fact, she had gone out and gotten a little wet, but then the rain slowed down a bit. being outside became no fun at all. so she came back inside and went straight for the bathroom.

in there, the war waged full. outside, the rain beat down on the roof once more. tempted, the little girl went out of the bathroom twice to reconsider playing in the rain. but the bigger girl pushed her back in each time.  in the end, the big girl won.

so now, i am bathed and shampooed, dressed warmly and writing this blog entry - while still enveloped in the sound of pitter-pattering rain and thoughts of flowers and little girls growing.

as a matter of fact, rain makes little boys grow up too. case in point: a rain-soaked brian scrubbing the floor all around the house. :D

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

My Father, My Lord

i found this in one of my old notebooks. it's dated July 8, 2007

My Father, My Lord

He formed me from dust and called me His own
Then showed me marvels in sky and sea
And when I forsook Him, He bade me return
Wonder of wonders, my God's a mystery.

My Father called peace out of a storm
My Lord, for mercy, wore a crown of thorns
What power, what love combining
What strength, what grace in His keeping
I rejoice in His goodness and trust in His word
I stand amazed at my Father, my Lord.

He causes winds to howl and thunder to roar
Yet speaks to me in a still, small voice
He is both the Balm and the Life
But He bled and died of His own choice.

Wherever with Him, I can be still
For He can both love and power reveal.