
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

no solid food for four days... starting now

okay, so i'm up for a challenge:. a five-day cleansing diet my mother and i decided to take up to wash away toxins from our digestive tracts and gall bladders. here's how it works.

First Three Days:

5:00 am  -  four glasses (four glasses!) of saline solution using epsom salt
6:30 am  - one glass of pure apple juice
8:00 am  - one glass of pure grape juice
9:30 am  - tea
11:00 am - one glass of pure carrot juice (i've never had PURE carrot juice before)
12:30 am - one glass of pure cucumber juice (this is something entirely new for my digestive tract)
2:00 pm   - tea
3:30 pm   - one glass of pure pineapple juice
5:00 pm   - one glass of pure grape juice
6:30 pm   - one glass of pure apple juice
8:00 pm   - half a glass of pure kalamansi juice

this routine will be repeated for three days. on the third night will come the most dreaded part: 3/4 glass OLIVE oil mixed with 1/4 glass kalamansi juice. if you've never had olive oil before, it is -well- oil. besides the wonderful task of having to down that, it will produce an even more wonderful effect of churning and turning in your stomach and eventually in bowel movement.

the next day, we go back to the tea and juice diet.

have i mentioned? we're not supposed to eat any solid food - no fruit, vegetable, rice, bread, oatmeal, etc - for the whole four days. the idea is for all of these fluids to soften up the rotten and rotting food particles that accumulate in our digestive tract lining over time, and then eliminate them.

then on the fifth day, solid food can be gradually re-introduced into the body: watermelons, mangoes, oatmeal, flaxseed, vegetable soup.

and then we'll get to see the changes (if any). so join me as i down each challenging glassful and try not to throw up anything. cheers!

more important than a gall bladder cleanse is a spiritual cleansing. the Lord promises us:

And I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross,
 and take away all thy tin. Isaiah 1:25

and we are also told how:

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost. Titus 3:5

plus this:
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?
 by taking heed thereto according to thy word. Psalm 119:9


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