
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Revelations of Bible Prophecy Seminar

Amazing Facts is in Davao! A friend and I went out to attend last night, and it was wonderful. Last night was actually the ninth in the prophecy seminar series, but we weren't able to attend the earlier meetings due to schedule conflicts.

It's nice how the seminar makes the prophecies of Revelation simple and easy to grasp, especially for those who are hearing the prophecies for the first time. These prophecies are the warnings everyone needs to hear these last days.

They lend you a Bible for the night, but if you keep coming, you get to make that Bible all yours! Plus a free DVD that includes so many wonderful freebies. How wonderful is that. :)

If you're not able to come to the meetings, you can watch the live streaming, which is what I intend to do for the nights I can't attend. There's a meeting every night except on Mondays and Thursdays, starting with a health lecture at 6:00, followed by the prophecy seminar at 6:30 until 8:00.

More than anything, what really inspired me about the seminar was the number of volunteers working in the seminar team and the effort they put into putting the series together. It reminds me of the story of Elijah and God's assurance that amidst the apostasy of his day, there were still soooo many who have remained loyal to God.

We may sometimes feel alone in our day-to-day struggles, like no one else is going through the experience. But allow God to open your eyes and you will see the many people who, like you, are receiving His graces daily and working with Him to accomplish His will.

With this brand new inspiration, let us continue shining as the lights God wants us to be... you in your small corner and I in mine. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I was thinking on watching a live streaming. I always miss the meetings. We always need enlightenment everyday.
    Tim Jones in Spokane, a friend of mine always reminds me of these things.
