
Friday, May 20, 2011

beginning in the middle

time does fly... and fast! a few weeks more and it's the middle of the year. i haven't been very diligent with my blogging this year, and that has got to change... along with a lot of other things.

just a few minutes ago, i read a blog about a day in the life of a music therapist. she wakes up at 4:40 am and works non-stop until 10 pm and happily too. it reminds me of a passage from the Spirit of Prophecy:

Many, very many, for the sake of worldly advantage, for the sake of acquiring scientific knowledge, will venture into pestilential regions, and endure hardship and privation. Where are those who are willing to do this for the sake of telling others of the Saviour? 9T, 33

i'm not saying that music therapist does what she does for worldly advantage. she is, after all, a therapist and it's quite obvious she cares for her students. but still, where are those who would exercise the same dedication and diligence for the work of the gospel?

it breaks my heart to think of the still many things i could do for the ministry if only i could get myself to work harder and focus more. but it's not too late yet, is it? it may be the middle of the year very soon, but we can always begin here. we can always start fresh and new right where we stand.

so i lay down my plans before the Lord. so He could mold them into His plans. things to be busy with, projects, productive leisure activities, brand new health habits, reading plans, attitude renovations, schedules, room for learning new things and acquiring new skills.

sounds like a new year's resolution, ayt? right smack in the middle of the year. so what? if middle's where i am, then middle's where i begin.

what are your mid-year resolutions?

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