
Monday, March 21, 2011

Without apology, doubt, or hesitancy

We have the greatest truth and hope that were ever given to our world, and the greatest faith; and we want to represent this in its exalted character to the world. We do not want to assume the attitude as though we were passing through the world begging pardon of the world because we venture to believe this precious, sacred truth; but we want to walk humbly with God, and conduct ourselves as though we were children of the most high God, and, although feeble instruments, as though we were handling most important and interesting subjects, higher and more exalted than any temporal, worldly themes.--Review and Herald, July 26, 1887.


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    In other words, you are Historical Adventists...?

  2. hi gideon. thanks for dropping by. yes, i guess it's safe to say that i am a historical adventist. though i've never really bothered with the terminology. i paid your blog a visit, too. :)
