
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Today's Teacher: A Tiny Pink Flower

Written March 13, 2018

Yesterday morning, there were two of these. By afternoon, they were both gone. This morning, this one greeted me with a brighter pink and healthier petals than yesterday's blooms.

The lesson, I believe, is hope and faith in a God who sees what's in tomorrow and in all the tomorrows after it.

Yesterday was a beautiful time to wait---for answers, for inspiration, for the right time, for miracles. I worried, true. But I also learned to wait, and to work while I waited. Because He is faithful who has promised.

And today came answers: in the restoration of something I had almost given up on, in promises, in privileges, in work finished, in new ideas, in gifts, in loving support, in the joy of working with those who are passionate about their work, in hellos, in healing, and not at all the least in the bright pink of a teeny tiny flower that probably only has today, but is bright anyway.

#learningfromcreation #lessonsfromtheCreator

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