
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Called and Chosen - the Song

A few days before the camp meeting last April 2016, amid the flurry of preparations, God gave me the words that would become the lyrics to our theme song. The camp meeting's theme was FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS, with a special focus on the call to labor for the Lord in these last days. This song talks about God's faithfulness and wisdom shown since the Plan of Redemption was set in motion, and how today we have not just a special appointment but also a special provision. Indeed, all His biddings are enablings.

A sister in the church is also especially endowed with the gift of music, and she made the music for this song in one night. Since the camp meeting, I have made a couple of changes to the lyrics to make the grammar a little better and the message clearer. The lyrics below are the final version. I have included an MP4 recording of the song while we were learning it in its first version for the first time. The kids at church very quickly learned the music and lyrics and had a grand time singing it. Hoping to post a polished version soon. Meanwhile, may you be blessed by the message of this song.


Your eyes pierce the future;
From the start You see the end.
The scrolls are unrav’lling,
In history I trace Your hand.

Your arm raised up workers
Just according to Your plan.
For a time such as this,
You call me and here I am.

You have called, I will answer.
I’ve been chosen; I will go
Wherever You lead me
So that others, too, might know
That my Jesus – He is coming
To take His children home.
I’ve been called, I’ve been chosen,
By Your Spirit I will go.

Everywhere You’ve brought me
I have seen Your faithfulness.
I trust provision has been made for me
For such as time as this.

Your arm raised up workers
Just according to Your plan.
For a time such as this,
You call me and here I am.

You have called, I will answer.
I’ve been chosen; I will go
Wherever You lead me
So that others, too, might know
That my Jesus – He is coming
To take His children home.
I’ve been called, I’ve been chosen,
By Your Spirit I will go.

You have called, I will answer.
I’ve been chosen; I will go,
Walk the path of the faithful,
Die to self, and live for You.
For my Jesus – He is coming
To take me home to You.
I’ve been called, I’ve been chosen,
By Your Spirit I will go.

I’ve been called, I’ve been chosen,
By Your Spirit I will go.

God be praised.

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