
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Hold Fast

(We were asked to write poems for our upcoming Camp Meeting with the theme, "Hold Fast Till I Come")

Inspiration: Sister White's vision of the narrow way
"We have hold from above!" "God holds the cord! God holds the cord!"

The path that you are travelling
to the end soon will come.
See all the signs fulfilling,
But the battle has just begun.

You will be tried and tested;
But in Me, there is no fear.
To the narrow way I have opened,
Walk in; hold fast. I AM HERE.

Hold fast My hand outstretched to save;
Hold fast the white robe that I gave;
Hold fast the faith that works by love;
Hold fast the truth, Oh, sell it not.
Till I come - Yes, I will come -
Child, I am holding you,
Won't you hold fast too?
Hold fast till I come.

Set your love on things above;
There's nothing here you can keep.
Watch and pray; trust, obey;
Go forth in tears, and in joy reap.

Now take your cross and follow Me
Into the secret place of the Most High.
When the night seems at its darkest,
Look up, redemption draweth nigh.

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