
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Highland Getaway: Epol Spring Resort

You know how sometimes you have to get yourself really tired just so you could relax? That was exactly what happened to us when we decided to take a break from work and drive up to the mountainside to enjoy nature.

Epol Spring Resort is about an hour and a half drive away from our suburban home in Davao City. On the way we decided to pick our friend Sam up from his home. And we found him high up on a tree, pruning its leaves!
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Many minutes later, we arrived at the entrance excited and found out that the spring and waterfall was still a 300-meter hike down the hillside. We paid the entrance fee of Php 7.00 per person, plus Php 30.00 for the cottage, and a parking fee of Php 10.00 for the motorcycle and Php 20.00 for the car.

The hike was muddy and steep, and for a moment there, all we could think of was the hike back up. 
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Now it turns out that it’s actually free to enjoy the spring and waterfall, and the seven-peso fee was for the use of the path which cut across private property. About halfway through the hike, the path crossed another person’s property, so we had to pay another Php 7.00. That makes a total of Php 14.00 per person.

There was also a safe-to-drink, flowing, all natural water spout right by the path.
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And then, finally, a view of the waterfall, which was gorgeous and very very inviting.
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We had a quick lunch and dove into the ice-cold water. And by “dove in,” I mean literally “dove in." Smile
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I hurt the soles of my feet the first time I jumped into the water. But the experience was so worth it I jumped in twice more.

I also wrapped my phone in plastic to bring under the waterfall so I could take pictures and show everyone at home what it looked like.
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And the view from above the falls…
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Jade almost didn't get these photos right. Her hands were shaking from the cold.
Nature is always beautiful. Now, to hike back up. haha
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On the way home, we stopped by Golden Gate Adventure Resort, which offers mountain treks, a zipline, and a hanging bridge experience.
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We weren't budget-prepared for the zipline though, which costs Php 300 for a ride to the other end and back, so we’re skipping it for (much) later.

I arrived home tired and happy, reviewed the photos, went to bed, and slept till morning.
My feet still hurt as of writing this post, but I am rested and prepared for this week’s work, which is a lot.

Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.  Psalms 40:5


  1. Awesome. I wish I'm there.

  2. next time, ate Juliet, next time. :D thanks for dropping by.
