
Monday, July 04, 2011

thank God for the internet!

it's true that we never fully appreciate the worth of something until we lose it. or at least, it's more often true than not. two weeks ago, i learned the value of the Ellen G White folio files program installed in my computer. and yes, i lost it.

besides the basic office applications and the internet browser, that program was unarguably the most important application i could have. ever. the program allows me to read and search all [or almost all] of Sister White's works and the KJV Bible, among other things.

in my work, i research, outline, and layout our Sabbath School lesson (we make our own because we're a self-supporting church. more on that in later posts). so it's really easy to see why i very badly need the infobase. i don't know how i lost it, i just know that i lost it in the middle of my layout job a couple of weeks ago and that my computer's usefulness has been cut to half since.

lucky for me (and for most people), there's the internet. so i downloaded html copies of the book i was working on. that worked pretty fine, though not as fine as having my EGW infobase. i also downloaded a Bible program. there are many on the internet but i didn't have the time to go through them all. what i got was one that was both simple and complicated and i ended up using an online Bible. i actually still couldn't get the hang of that program until now.

i had been using the EGW infobase for years and i think that i got so used to the workflow that it became difficult for me to work with other resources. i miss just clicking a button in my taskbar to open the program, having both EGW writings and the Bible in one place, the standard paging, and the way i could highlight text in different colors (categories!). i even miss the very button in my taskbar!

but what i miss most is having all the books in a single program and being able to search through them all at once. the many ways i could search the files. a powerful and simple (my fingers know the keyboard shortcuts like reflex) search feature, ahhh, bliss. 

i already tried removing the program and re-installing it to no avail. this only means one thing: i need help. :D

for now, i really just thank God that the internet was there when i lost the program. it got me through work by saving me from typing every word of the 78-page lesson. 

He even allowed me to print the entire lesson before the printer went crazy a few minutes later. the nth reason why i thank God everyday. :)


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