
Monday, September 06, 2010

lock in, lock out

no, am not promoting an anti-bacterial soap. but the line captures what i've been thinking about the past couple of days.

one of the older women at church has been sharing her experiences with me about how she has come to realize that Satan does find ingenious ways to the mind and heart. those little seemingly harmless thoughts, the tiniest shred of doubt, the questions, the seemingly valid fears, the worries, the countless insinuations he makes in the course of a single hour - all designed to strike where you are weak. 

we must never forget. satan is out to get us. really he is.  the Bible tells us, "your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8). and he's smart, very smart. we'll have to give him that, which is all the more reason for us to feel our own weakness and take hold of the strength of Jesus. we must overcome as He did.

like Christ in whom the prince of this world hath nothing (John 14:30), we must have our hearts filled with the love of God at all times so Satan cannot have room in us. give him the slightest advantage, and see how easily the devil can steal Jesus' place in our hearts! every inch of ground must be fought for.

daily, we need to put on the armor that God designed for us so we can withstand the devices of the evil one (Ephesians 6:11). we must guard every avenue that Satan can and will use.

yield to Christ, walk in faith, read God's word daily, pray without ceasing. that way, we lock Jesus in, and the devil out.

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