
Monday, September 11, 2006

A Little Prayer


Shower us with Your light,
Make us ready for Your kingdom.
Pour upon us Your mercy,
That we may know the grace of Your pardon.
Let Your love flow through us,
Make us instruments of Your peace.
Shower us with Your light,
That we may live as Your children.

When God Is All I Have


Desolate and desperate
I have nothing to call my own.
Empty-handed, empty-hearted
Waiting for the break of dawn.
For just as surely
as day shall end the night,
If God is only with me,
Then I shall never want.

He is my Maker, and Redeemer,
My Brother, Friend, and King.
He is the Bread of Life,
Of Living Waters He's the spring.
He's my Comforter and Perfecter,
My Shelter, Strength, and Shield.
Then when God is all I have,
I find God is all I need.


need I say more?

This Battle Is Not Mine


Everyday I struggle to be free
Everyday I face the enemy
Alone I fight all sorrow and all pain
Knowing no victory nor gain.

I had strength and wisdom all my own
I wondered why no battle I won
I thought I can make it all alone
But now I know I have been wrong.

Sometimes I think He asks too much of me
If I must overcome constantly.
But now I'm sure each battle can be won
For I am never once alone.

God sends His angels to rally by my side.
He is my Captain, my Comrade, and my Guide.
I may be weak, but He is strong.
I dare not trust my own.
He's made it known,
This battle is not mine to fight alone.


This was written at a time when I was feeling utterly depressed and helpless. I was pressured to do what was right and I tried. But it was really hard to overcome myself. Then I realized that the reason everything was so hard to do was that I was doing it alone. God is my strength, and I could not rely on myself even for a single moment. He is telling me, "You are never alone, I am with you. The sooner you get that through your head, the better."

Thursday, September 07, 2006

I Know The Way You Take

This was inspired by Job 23:10, which says "But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold."

I find a lot of comfort in the verse. It reminds me that even when I can't actually see where I'm heading, God does. He sees the past, the present, and the future. He knows where I am, where I'm coming from, and where I'm going.

There is no need for me to worry, even when the road I'm travelling seems tough - because I have a God who's even tougher, and ultimately wise at that.


Moment by moment I walk life's dreary way.
Weary I may be I carry on day after day.
Sometimes trials are too heavy for me to bear,
Then I come to my Guide in prayer.

Morning after morning to sorrows I awake.
Pain goes before me with every turn I make.
My path is all rugged, my heart seems to break;
So with my Comforter sweet communion I make.

No gem is polished without trial,
No gold refined without fire.
Weak as I am, I stumble, get hurt
Still my Refiner sees my worth.

He says, "I know the way you take,
Every bend, every thorn, every stone,
You are never alone.
With every step you take,
You'll be cleansed, purified, purged, and refined.
When it's through, you will come forth as gold."

May God grant us enough strength to make it through the test so that we'll all end up as refined gold fit for His kingdom... God bless us all...

Friday, September 01, 2006

On Angels' Wings

This is another one of my attempts at creativity. My bestfriend and I are actually planning to turn these stuff into songs for the youth at church to sing.. i think it's a nice idea.. but maybe we should wait till my attempts are a wee bit better... what ya think?

On Angels' Wings

When Christ shall come in all His might and splendor
To claim His own and to reward their labor
He'll make me new never more to spoil
And take me up on to heavenly soil

On angels' wings my soul He'll bring
To dwell in His abode, to walk streets of gold
Where there'll be no tears, no sighs, no fears
He'll take me up on angels' silver-gilt wings

There will be songs and trumpet sound all ringing
A flood of light, His glory will be shining
Oh such joy to see that angel throng
And there He'll be, ready to take me home

Friday, August 11, 2006


in my spare time, i write. or at least try to. i know i'm not good at writing. yet. but i trust that if i commit this craft to God, He'll prosper it. Here are two of my attempts...


God sends His angels to rally by my side.
He is my Captain, my Comrade, and my Guide.
I may be weak, but He is strong
I dare not trust my own
I should have known
This battle is not mine to fight alone.



He says, I know the way you take
Every bend, every turn, every thorn
You are never alone.
With every step you take,
You'll be cleansed, purified, purged and refined
When it's through
You will come forth as gold.


they're not done yet, but I hope to finish them soon, with God's help of course. i have a faith that whatever (or whoever, for that matter) lacks, God will fill up and make whole.

i'll post the finished version up here, so come back and see it...

All We God's Children

The youth in my church are very dear to my heart. They are like a second family to me. We have been through a lot as a group. After all these years, they are now to me like brothers and sisters, and the dearest of friends. I love them a whole lot because they give meaning to the phrase "family of God". I value them because it is not always that I can find friends with whom I can build a Christ-centered relationship.
For the youth at church, thank you so much for the times together, good and bad. I hope to make more memories of you, and of us. I will keep thanking God for you, and praying that He will see each of us through.

I wrote this for us all.



We came together, different we may be,
Yet we lift our voices in a single melody.
Here we stand together, a family in God.
As brothers and sisters, one in Jesus' blood.

Still we stand together in a friendship rare and true,
Bound by truth and spirit, love and service too.
Our joys are all doubled, our sorrows cut in half.
We make a little heaven, by our friendship, by our love.

All we God's children bound by His love,
Born of His Spirit, bought with His blood.
We will grow ever upward, walking in the light.
We are near one to another, when we all are near to Christ.

While waiting for our Father, our commission we'll fulfill.
We'll work side by side, obey His perfect will.
We'll overcome together, though it be flame or flood.
We'll help one another grow in the love of God.

And we'll be standing together before the throne of God.
We will walk hand in hand on the heavenly sod.


I hope you like it, and may we live the life of the blessed...

God loves all of you and I do too.

Thank You Father

Thank You Father
For when I doubt, You still love me.
Thank You Father
For when I trust, You never let me down.
Thank You Father
When I obey, You lead and guide me.
Thank You
For when I stray, You seek me and take me into your arms again.

Father, I can't thank You enough
For Your grace and perfect love.
My life is all I have to offer for Thee.
Take it Father, how little it may be.

And Father I thank You for Calvary.
Thank You for Jesus who died for me.
I can never repay You, I have nothing in me.
So thank You, Father, that Jesus came for free.