
Thursday, September 07, 2006

I Know The Way You Take

This was inspired by Job 23:10, which says "But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold."

I find a lot of comfort in the verse. It reminds me that even when I can't actually see where I'm heading, God does. He sees the past, the present, and the future. He knows where I am, where I'm coming from, and where I'm going.

There is no need for me to worry, even when the road I'm travelling seems tough - because I have a God who's even tougher, and ultimately wise at that.


Moment by moment I walk life's dreary way.
Weary I may be I carry on day after day.
Sometimes trials are too heavy for me to bear,
Then I come to my Guide in prayer.

Morning after morning to sorrows I awake.
Pain goes before me with every turn I make.
My path is all rugged, my heart seems to break;
So with my Comforter sweet communion I make.

No gem is polished without trial,
No gold refined without fire.
Weak as I am, I stumble, get hurt
Still my Refiner sees my worth.

He says, "I know the way you take,
Every bend, every thorn, every stone,
You are never alone.
With every step you take,
You'll be cleansed, purified, purged, and refined.
When it's through, you will come forth as gold."

May God grant us enough strength to make it through the test so that we'll all end up as refined gold fit for His kingdom... God bless us all...

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