
Monday, April 30, 2018

Disappointment and Devotion

So today, things didn't exactly go my way. So of course, I was disappointed--by events, and people, my suddenly unbearably heavy bag, the overabundance of neon label stickers and the utter unavailability of plain white ones just when I needed them, and myself, mostly myself. I wasn't even halfway through the day yet, but I already felt like I deserved to take the time and "splurge" on my favorite food. And I did. Not just one, but three of my favorites. :D

As I ate, trying to enjoy every bite, I thought, "I deserve this: this bite, this feeling in my mouth, this break. This is what I'll do when I'm disappointed. I deserve this."

But then something inside me asked, "What does God do when He's disappointed, especially when He's disappointed with you? What does He deserve?"

And then the phrase, "...who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame..." (Heb. 12:2)

You know, I was that joy that was set before Him. People didn't treat Him very well when He was here. But He still calls me His joy. He still calls YOU His joy.

What does He deserve?

Certainly not this selfish, ungrateful, proud, complaining heart. No, certainly not. But you know what, He'll take it anyway. If I learn to give it up, He'll take it and lovingly, mercifully, He can make something beautiful out of it. He can do the same with yours, too.

Colossians 3:2
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

Then suddenly, I was fine. Right there, over the unfinished curry, I was fine. There was a Joy set before me as well. I was fine. Thank God. :-)