
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Happiest Place

If someone told me two years ago that I would be leaving my home and my church in Davao City to serve the Lord some place else, I would have laughed. I was practically rooted in that place, and was prepared to spend my lifetime helping the church there as I always have.

But here I am now, up in the mountains somewhere in Ilocos Norte, virtually at the other end of the Philippine archipelago, still happily serving my Lord and excitedly asking where He would take me next, and when.

January this year, I took the six-month Health Evangelism course with a one-month Public Evangelism exposure here at LIGHT Philippines. Little did I then know that I would come back after one month, fully convinced that it is the Lord's will for me and my ministry.

So I've been here as a volunteer for a little over a month, and that period seems to have gone by in a blur. With preparations underway for the school's first Grand Alumni Homecoming (happening now) and 5th Annual Camp Meeting (happening tomorrow), I practically hit the ground running.

Much of the past month was spent going to and from the office/bakery, which is about a kilometer and half from the school, and sleeping over to prepare for the homecoming and camp meeting. Many late nights later, I find myself looking back to home and asking why God has brought me here.

And the answer continues to be an adventure unraveling.

I've met many people, made new friends, learned that God's family is BIG. I've taught my first class, and inevitably have had my first teacher heartbreak. I've been through my first volunteer struggles. I've also quite gracefully survived my first storm - Typhoon Mario - which slammed through our huts, uprooted our trees, and destroyed much of our farm. 

Walking from point to point inside of this campus, I often find myself looking down at my feet and wondering why they are walking this part of the earth.

And the answer comes to me in remembering the life of Abraham:

It was no light test that was thus brought upon Abraham, no small sacrifice that was required of him. There were strong ties to bind him to his country, his kindred, and his home. But he did not hesitate to obey the call. He had no question to ask concerning the land of promise--whether the soil was fertile and the climate healthful; whether the country afforded agreeable surroundings and would afford opportunities for amassing wealth. God has spoken, and His servant must obey; the happiest place on earth for him was the place where God would have him to be.  
{PP 126.3}  

We bloom best where God plants us.

So I take my place among the many who are here, both searching and settled at the same time. I endeavor to work with them, pray with them, learn with them, and serve with them. For as long as God wills that I remain here, I will. And when this new family sing Steve Green's "I Will Go," I know and understand in my heart exactly what they feel and mean:

I will go where there are no easy roads,
leave the comforts that I know.
I will go and let this journey be my home,
I will go, I will go.
And I will go, Lord, where Your glory is unknown;
I will live for You alone.
I will go because my life is not my own.
I will go, I will go.