
Thursday, March 22, 2012

i have my EGW infobase back :)

yep, almost six months after i lost my Ellen G. White infobase, i finally have it back. much thanks to my good old friend, Joseph Bruce Palange, who not only re-installed the infobase but also updated my computer's security. To express my gratitude, i'm posting a photo of him here on my blog. Thank you kuya!!!! :)

i know this post is [very] late. but better late than never, ayt?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Adventist Youth Program Ideas

Having been thrown into AY leadership at the age of 15, with virtually no leadership education and no idea what to do, I basically know how it is to dread Adventist Youth Programs that I have to plan as leader.

So here are a couple of ideas that I hope will help leaders out there to make programs interesting and educational without taking away the sanctity and solemnity of a Sabbath afternoon. Both these ideas are centered around an exploration of the Bible, with the congregation working in small groups. Groups can be made according to the seating arrangement, age levels, gender, existing grouping, or whatever works for you.

Program Idea #1


Materials: White Board and Marker (or Chalk board and chalk), Eraser, several Bibles in each group, pen and paper

Mechanics: Have groups look up Bible verses that mention different body parts and how these parts are supposed to be used to glorify their Maker. Give a few examples. Allow about ten minutes for this. After ten minutes, have a representative of one group come up front to read their collection of verses. Another group member will be assigned to draw on the board the body parts they found verses for until they can complete a whole human being. When all the groups have had their turn, check to see who has the best and most complete drawing. Close by reading Psalm 139:14, 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20, Matthew 18:8, 9.

Important Note: Take care to clarify to the groups that the verses must not only mention a body part but also contain a message on how that body part is to be used or not used or how it is to be taken care of. For example, Daniel 2:32-34 isn't valid because it only mentions the body part but there's no message on how that part can glorify God. Also make sure that they look up verses that refer to HUMAN body parts. One group in my church used Genesis 1:2 which mentions "FACE of the WATERS."

Examples of valid verses:  
Job 31:1 I have made a covenant with mine EYES...
Psalm 51:15 O Lord open thou my LIPS; and my MOUTH shall show forth thy praise...
Ephesians 6:15 And your FEET shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace...
Psalm 144:1 ...which teacheth my HANDS to war and my FINGERS to fight...
Revelation 2:7 he that hath an EAR let him hear...
Ezra 9:5 i fell upon my KNEES...

How the drawings turned out at my church. Thanked God for designing me. :)

Program Idea #2


Objective: To refresh the congregation's minds about Bible stories and to help them see objects around them as reminders of our God's power and our Biblical heritage.

Mechanics: Have each group choose an object of nature (e.g. soil, rock, flowers, tree/branch, leaf, water, etc) obtain a sample of such object. Each member of the group must now recall one or two (depending on the number of members and the time available) Bible story/ies that involved that object. Give the groups 7-10 minutes to list down the stories. At the end of time given, have one group come to the front with their sample. The first member holds up the sample and recalls a Bible story involving the object, beginning with "This is the rock/flower/soil/water/etc....". The sample is now passed on to the next member who also shares another story and so on. Have the other groups do the same.

Example: Water
The group can bring a glass of water.
Member 1: This is the water that Jesus turned into wine at a wedding in Cana. (passes the glass to Member 2)
Member 2: This is the water that Elijah poured over the altar he made for God in Mount Carmel. (passes the glass to Member 3)
Member 3: This is the water that Jacob drew from a well to feed Rachel's animals. (passes the glass to Member 4)

I hope these ideas help somehow. If you have more ideas, please do share.