
Monday, November 22, 2010

do not write about your pains

if it isn't about overcoming, do not write it. it will only immortalize the agony. write about the good stuff, think positive, think happy. happiness attracts happiness. the pain will pass, but only if you let it. so let it. do not dwell on it, do not think of it unless you can top the thought with a resolution to be happy.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.  Philippians 4:8

write about the good stuff. tell stories of victory, of becoming a better and happier person, of learning, of the grace of God that is able to heal all brokenness (Psalm 147:3), of His strength that is able to succor (Philippians 4:13), of His love that covers even the darkest sins.

Talk of God. Talk of love. Overcome.

a god that you can fully comprehend doesn't deserve the awe

"But God is to be acknowledged more from what He does not reveal of Himself than from that which is open to our limited comprehension. Both in divine revelation and in nature, God has given to men mysteries to command their faith. This must be so. We may be ever searching, ever inquiring, ever learning, and yet there is an infinity beyond." 8T 261

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Press Together

 "Press together; press together," are the words of our divine Instructor. Unity is strength; disunion is weakness and defeat.  {CH 517.3}

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

love found

what i learned best from the recently-concluded camp meeting is that we do not love a person because he or she is lovable, but because the love of God is as a spring of water welling in our hearts, allowing us to love truly and deeply God and others and ourselves.

yes, we ought to love ourselves. the Bible does say, "love thy neighbor as thyself." Pastor Patrick Herbert of the Gilead Institute of America once said in a public meeting, "Do not allow yourself to be hurt unnecessarily." Jesus Christ has bought us with a price, even His own blood, so it's only right for us to take really good care of ourselves, and exert the same care for others. "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." (Philippians 2:4)

so as I am enabled to receive the love of God in my heart, i am learning to love myself and i am learning to share this very self with others so they too can share in the love that springs in God and flows through me.

and i am learning, too, to know and understand that this same love flows through him and her and them and you, that i must give and receive and give again.

in the end, it's true: God is love, love makes us one, love makes the world go round.

open your heart and let the love flow.