
Friday, April 16, 2010

Peculiar Treasure

Dear Lord, I still do not see
Why, of the millions, you chose me
Set apart, entrusted with light
Picked to stand and fight the good fight
Called to stand high above the world
Pure in thought, in deed, in word
Called to be different, called to be
A peculiar treasure for Thee

And Lord, help me, I pray
Live for You day after day
Always to hold up Your light
As You hold me all through the night
Help me to walk the path that You set
All Your laws to never forget
Help me to hold carefully
Your peculiar treasure in me

Dear Lord, this light that You gave
Strong to make pure, mighty to save
Better than silver, better than gold
Precious truths to ever uphold
Ablaze with Your light in my heart
Make me as fire through the dark
Called to be different, called to do
A peculiar work for You