
Wednesday, December 02, 2009


yep, i love my GOD. more than anyone, more than anything.
true, i can only begin to understand Him. but He is very very real to me.

i love God, and He loves me much much more. :)

Sunday, November 08, 2009

In God's Perfect Time

About four years ago, I asked my parents if I could quit school. About that time, a group of missionary volunteers was formed in my church. The volunteers were mostly about my age. They all lived together in a humble home - eating together, studying together, keeping house, doing missionary work.

Knowing my own capabilities, I wanted so much to be one of them.

I prayed and prayed and prayed. Then finally I wrote a letter for my parents, asking them to let me go. They didn't.

My mother thought there was a better time for it. My father challenged me - if i was prepared, if i had prayed enough, if i'd be a burden-bearer more than a burden if i did go.

Mama told me that in all the years she had known my father, she had never seen him cry in prayer. Not until he read my letter.

Before speaking with my parents, I had prayed that I will take their answer to be from God. They said "no." I was surprised. I cried and my father held me. But I had a deal with God.

Two years went by. I finished school. And then another two years. And now, guess where I am.

The missionary volunteer group had broken up early last year. It has served its purpose.

For about three months now, I've been working for our local publishing ministry at church. During that time, I've mostly been working alone. But just last night, the church took up another worker. Brian will be working with me. He's our third person. The second and first being myself and another young brother named Anthony.

The church has plans for us. Pretty soon, we'll have our quarters where we'll be working and studying together. I am very excited.

It wasn't until today that I realized that this is the fulfillment of the dream I had four years ago. Looking back, I could only say that I'm glad this happened now and not then. It took four years to prepare my mind and my heart for this ministry.

God is truly good. Sometimes, we are tempted to doubt His will because we think we have the answers all right. But God's answers are always better. And His timing? Always impeccable.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

some through the flood, but all through the blood

"some through the waters,
some through the flood.
some through the fire,
but all through the blood."
we all go through different trials and tests. often, we don't understand what others are going through. and it seems that no one understands our troubles. although we are all tried, we are tried in different ways. but whatever we're going through, Jesus loves us. He lived a lowly life on earth and ultimately died for us. Whatever our imperfections are, His blood covers us. We are justified through faith, and are made perfect through His righteousness. Praise and glory be to our Lord and risen Saviour.

*repost from October 21, 2007

Monday, August 24, 2009

learning from my own journal

so i was browsing through my journal this afternoon, and i found this entry dated june18, 2009. reading it, i find myself relearning the lessons of that day.

there is so much to write about: love and friendship and laughter and tears and people and skies and stars and children and jeepney rides and rain and endless possibilities. there is so much to dream of. so much to see, so much to give. i think, "where does happiness go when it is not with me?"
when we went to visit pompoy last week, uncle Ben quoted Job. God had said to Job what i think i am hearing Him say to me today. until i can follow the wind and know where it goes each time it blows, until i can trace the movement of each wave, the ebb and flow of each tide, until i have numbered the birds and the fish, until i have known the desire of each human heart, i am no [true] judge of what is fair and what is not. it'll be alright. i'll be alright.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Just in Case

On March 20, 2003, I was given one of the most encouraging messages I have ever received, through a little bookmark from a friend.

Here I share it with you:

To this day, the bookmark looks good as new. Its message remains a source of good cheer and shines truer than ever, especially after that time not too long ago when I stumbled and messed things up.

It was a time when I simply could not trust myself to be let alone. And God knew.

So He sent me an angel in the person of a good friend - the same one who gave me my little bookmark of inspiration more than six years ago.

I now know that my little "just in case" and all others that will follow have been foreseen and prepared for.

That storm has passed. Made braver, stronger, and wiser, I am quite ready for the next one. And just in case my strength fails me, I will not be afraid - because I am also now a little more aware that close by are angels sent by a God who knows just what to do whatever the case.

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in [their] hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Psalm 91:11,12

Monday, August 03, 2009

A Pilgrim's Tale

There are mountains I'd like to climb,.
Waters and winds I'd like to ride.
There are depths that I'd like to span
And distances I'd like to run.

I've been seeking, searching still
For what is true, for what is real,
Knowing I would never find
In heights nor depths peace of heart and mind.

There is a wisdom I'd like to live,
And errors I'd have believed.
There is a favor I'd like to win.
I've labored much for all that's vain.

I've been seeking, searching still
For what is true, for what is real,
Knowing I would never find
In human hearts nor minds gold refined.

Friday, July 10, 2009

because God loves me

i can love those who love me not.
i can smile, find joy in my lot.
i live and i learn and i laugh;
because God loves me,
i can love, i can love.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

a blessed rest

it is a Sabbath day where i am. another day of blessed rest for the people the Lord has chosen for Himself.

i have come to realize the true worth of the Sabbath for all of us who continue to fight the battles of the world. God is truly good. He made the Sabbath for us so we can rest from our labors and cares, so we can dedicate our hearts and minds to the praise and worship that not only are due Him but also are refreshing for our weary souls.

it has been some time since i was last here. and i find this return a truly wonderful experience, especially because i came back on a Sabbath. God is revealing to me the wonders of His rest, at a time when i am troubled and shaken.

may all of us who have come to know this rest be continually blessed by it. may we keep it sacred within us, and may we eagerly await its return week after week. and may we be able to share this rest to those who have not yet known the miracles it works in human hearts.

a blessed rest to us all.