
Sunday, November 08, 2009

In God's Perfect Time

About four years ago, I asked my parents if I could quit school. About that time, a group of missionary volunteers was formed in my church. The volunteers were mostly about my age. They all lived together in a humble home - eating together, studying together, keeping house, doing missionary work.

Knowing my own capabilities, I wanted so much to be one of them.

I prayed and prayed and prayed. Then finally I wrote a letter for my parents, asking them to let me go. They didn't.

My mother thought there was a better time for it. My father challenged me - if i was prepared, if i had prayed enough, if i'd be a burden-bearer more than a burden if i did go.

Mama told me that in all the years she had known my father, she had never seen him cry in prayer. Not until he read my letter.

Before speaking with my parents, I had prayed that I will take their answer to be from God. They said "no." I was surprised. I cried and my father held me. But I had a deal with God.

Two years went by. I finished school. And then another two years. And now, guess where I am.

The missionary volunteer group had broken up early last year. It has served its purpose.

For about three months now, I've been working for our local publishing ministry at church. During that time, I've mostly been working alone. But just last night, the church took up another worker. Brian will be working with me. He's our third person. The second and first being myself and another young brother named Anthony.

The church has plans for us. Pretty soon, we'll have our quarters where we'll be working and studying together. I am very excited.

It wasn't until today that I realized that this is the fulfillment of the dream I had four years ago. Looking back, I could only say that I'm glad this happened now and not then. It took four years to prepare my mind and my heart for this ministry.

God is truly good. Sometimes, we are tempted to doubt His will because we think we have the answers all right. But God's answers are always better. And His timing? Always impeccable.